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viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Brasil National Team 1-4 Offense

In this post I am sharing an amazing Brasil's set offense which has multiple choices to play, they can play a post isolation for 3, a 1's quick shot or finally an offensive triangle to seek 5 in the paint.
From a 1-4 Offense 1 hits 2 and cuts to the
right low post. Then 3 cuts to the top being
downscreened by 5.
Then 2 hits 3 and slides to the left wing from
the right wing, being staggered screened by
4 and 5. Immediately 3 hits 2 and cuts to the
left low post. 2 seeks 3.
If can't hit 3 then 1 slides up to the top being
staggered screened by 4 and 5. 2 hits 3 for
a quick shot.
Finally, if 1 can't shoot, 5 sets a ballscreen
for 1 and an offensive triangle is played to
seek 5 in the paint.

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